Here are notes and highlights from each major meet during week 2.
A New Jersey recap from the Briarwood Invitational.
Here is the New Jersey only merge for the Briarwood Invitational that took place in Philadelphia, PA this past Saturday.
Check out over 1000 photos by Patty Morgan from Saturday's Briarwood Invitational in Philadelphia
The O'Hara took down a strong field on Saturday, but does this change what we think of the team situation in PA?
Is O'Hara still the team champ after we merge the results from Briarwood together?
Check out what teams and individuals take the win if we combine all the girls races from Briarwood!
It was another great day at Belmont Pleateau and we've got the race videos from all varsity races!

A recap of the action from Philly's Belmont Plateau at the Briarwood Invitational

Follow along today here as we pull double duty at George School and Briarwood Invitationals!
Ben Bloser at Big Spring, Briarwood at Belmont Plateau and Altoona highlight week three of the PA XC season!
Since 2003, which girls have run the fastest at Belmont Plateau's mid-season invite?